Soapstone Carving Workshop

January 28th - February 1

Carroll Swayze Gallery
Englewood Florida

   Sandy Cline is a full-time self-taught sculptor who has been developing his skills for over 40 years. Sandy credits his successes to the insight that he gained from studying books on sculpture by Malvina Hoffman. He has taught carving in colleges, museums and schools across Canada and the United States.

  He refuses to believe that special talent is needed to carve. Rather, he prefers to trust that the urge to create is inherent in all of us and that the teacher should promote these values in the people who seek that knowledge. His classes create a very congenial, cohesive atmosphere that has resulted in some excellent carvings being completed by students who never believed they could carve.

  Sandy had been asked to create pieces for awards and presentations by various colleges and organizations such as Sir Sanford Fleming College, the Canadian Synchronized Swimming Team, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, the Canadian Nurses Association, Sports Canada and the Women's World Hockey Championships.

   Examples of his work can be found at

  This course will provide a general introduction to the carving of soapstone.

  Cost will $40. aday or $200. for the five days

  You will develop a working knowledge of the material, the tools, safe handling issues and the methods used to complete a carving.

  Beginning with a study of the properties of the stone, you will produce a simple piece and progress to making a sculpture of your choice.

  The development of your own personal style will be encouraged.

  All the tools necessary will be provided by the teacher. The stone for the first project, a "Swimming Loon", is included in this fee.

  There after stone cost for this course will depend on the size of the project or projects chosen. Stone will be $3. per pound. An average carving generally will use 10 pounds of stone.

  You may bring your own stone if you wish.

  You should bring towels or bubble wrap to carry home your finished carvings.

  Further information may be found at Sandy's web site: .